
Hi, and welcome to my webpage! 

I am a law professor and socio-legal scholar who holds a PhD in sociology from Princeton University and a JD from the University of Pennsylvania. This website is mostly about my scholarship. I have also included a page on some of my service and administrative roles, since they are also a big part of who I am.

Since I started my academic career, I have undertaken five main research projects. These have dealt with: 

  • Alt-labor and worker centers. This book project explores how worker centers diffuse a pro-worker moral economy. It will report on my participant observation in Arise Chicago, a Chicago-based worker center, and over 30 elite interviews. Along the way, I have published some short pieces dealing with issues related to the main book, appearing in journals such as the University of Chicago Legal Forum and the University of California-Davis Law Review.

  • Wage Boards. Inspired by recent U.S. scholarly and policy debates on wage boards, this project produced three law review articles on when and how wage boards can be useful to organize workers. The articles appeared in the The University of Chicago Law Review, the Chicago-Kent Law Review, and the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law.

  • International framework agreements. These international instruments help enforce basic labor rights in global production chains. I interviewed industry and labor leaders to understand how they were implemented to protect freedom of association and worker organizing. The research was paid by the Swedish Council for Worklife and Social Research. It produced articles published in the Minnesota Law Review and the University of California-Irvine Law Review

  • Labor inspectorates and labor courts. This research resulted in a peer-reviewed article appearing in the prestigious journal, Law and Social Inquiry. I also published a few other pieces based on my research. A doctrinal spinoff from that project resulted in my book with Sergio Gamonal C., Principled Labor Law: U.S. Labor Law Through a Latin American Method. It was published by Oxford University Press in 2019 and won the Simón Bolivar Prize for Best Juridical Work. 

  • Puerto Rico Labor. This research, done as part of my PhD dissertation, was on how U.S. unions organized workers in Puerto Rico. It produced a host of related articles. 

I invite you to peek deeper in my website and explore everything that I have written.  You can also learn about my various service and administrative roles.

Feel free to contact me following links in the Contact page