How do labor judges and labor inspectors persuade workers to settle their claims? How do multi-national companies implement private, global agreements in particular plants and among their global suppliers? Because these questions deal with the way law works “in action” I cannot always find answers in law books. I must engage in “socio-legal” research to get the answers. Therefore, some of my scholarship reports on “elite interviews,” or interviews I do of people who are especially knowledgeable of certain law-related matters, such as a company’s implementation of a private agreement. Additionally, I have done two ethnographies based on participant observation. That research requires me to spend significant time in a place where I can get an intimate understanding of how law works. I have been lucky to do this type of research at the labor inspectorate and labor courts of Chile, where I followed labor inspectors to copper mines, agricultural fields, and other places of work. I also served as an organizer at Arise Chicago, a worker center, to learn how that group advocated for workers without counting with the resources of a traditional labor union. Below is a list of my socio-legal publications. Some report on original research, while others report on secondary data or set theoretical and research agendas.
Labor, Alt-Labor, and their Institutions
“Personal and Political: How the Illinois Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights Connected Lives,” (2024) 57 UC Davis Law Review 3033-3062.
“Fair Transition Funds, Employer Neutrality, and Card Checks: How Industrial Policy Could Relaunch Labor Unions in the United States,” in Todd Tucker ed., Bringing the State Back In (Again) (Roosevelt Institute, 2024)
“Alt-Labour and Worker Centres,” in Guy Davidov, Brian Langille & Gillian Lester eds., Oxford Handbook of the Law of Work 481-498 (Oxford University Press 2024)
“Organizing the State: The ‘New Labor Law’ Seen from the Bottom-Up” co-authored with Michael C. Oswalt (2018) 39:2 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 415-480.
“Worker Centers and the Moral Economy: Disrupting through Brokerage, Prestige, and Moral Framing” (2017) 2017 University of Chicago Legal Forum 409-434.
Wage Boards and Sectoral Bargaining
Quasi Tripartism: Limits of Co-Regulation and Sectoral Bargaining in the United States” (2023) 90(2) University of Chicago Law Review 703-738
“Wage Boards and Labor Revitalization: U.S. Aspirations and Uruguayan Realities” (2022) 32 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 109-151.
“Can Wage Boards Revive U.S. Labor? Marshaling Evidence from Puerto Rico” (2020) 95:1 Chicago-Kent Law Review 127-156.
“Successful Wage Moderation: Trust, Labor Market Centralization, and Wage Moderation in Puerto Rico’s Experience with Export-led Development” (2005) 9:2 Electronic Journal of Comparative Law .
Labor Inspection and Labor Courts
“The Labor Judge Unleashed: Rule of Law and Labor Rights in ‘Neoliberal’ Chile” (2018) 43:4 Law & Social Inquiry 1574-1603.
“El Bajo Vientre del Jaguar: La Fiscalización y la Ausencia de Autotutela en el Derecho Laboral Chileno” (The Jaguar’s Underbelly: Labor Inspection and Workers’ Self Organization in Chile) (2014) 2:1 Revista de Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social 13-36.
“Punishment and Work Law Compliance, Lessons from Chile” (2012) 29:2 Hofstra University Labor and Employment Law Review 343-405.
International Framework Agreements / International Labor Rights
“The Limits of Human Rights for Labor Rights” in Jill M. Jensen and Nelson Lichtenstein eds., The ILO from Geneva to the Pacific Rim: West Meets East (Palgrave McMillan and International Labor Office 2016).
“Organizing with International Framework Agreements: An Exploratory Study” (2014) 4:2 UC Irvine Law Review 725-780.
“Labor’s Soft Means and Hard Challenges: Fundamental Discrepancies and the Promise of Non- Binding Arbitration for International Framework Agreements” (2014) 98:5 Minnesota Law Review 1749-1804.
Puerto Rico Labor
“Pirates of the Caribbean: SEIU’s Failed Bid in Puerto Rico” (2009) 12:2 Working USA, The Journal of Labor and Society 235-247.
“Solidarity or Colonialism? The Polemic of “Labor Colonialism” in Puerto Rico (2007) 10:3 Working USA, The Journal of Labor and Society 284-299.
“Derecho laboral y organización sindical en Puerto Rico” (Labor Law and Labor Organization in Puerto Rico) (2007) 68:1 Revista del Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico 124-150.
Cited in dissenting Puerto Rico Supreme Court opinion, González v. Mayagüez Resort & Casino, (2009) 176 D.P.R. 848, 877 (2009).
“El impacto del arbitraje en los patrones huelgarios de Puerto Rico, 1956-1995” (The impact of Arbitration on Puerto Rico’s Strike Patterns) (2000-01) 31-32 Revista de Administración Pública 367-387.