Doctrinal Scholarship
A substantial part of my scholarship is doctrinal, meaning that it is mostly concerned with what the law is or should be. The main materials doctrinal scholars engage with are legal texts such as constitutions, international treaties, statutes, judicial opinions, administrative rules, and private instruments such as contracts, among others. Below are examples of some of my doctrinal work.
Principled Labor Law: U.S. Labor Law Through a Latin American Method, co-authored with Sergio Gamonal C., Oxford University Press, 2019.
Winner of “Best Juridical Work – Simón Bolívar 2019,” Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Puerto Rico.
El Principio de Protección del Trabajador en el Derecho Norteamericano, co-authored with Sergio Gamonal C., Legal Publishing/Thomson Reuters, 2014.
Case Books
Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace: Cases and Materials, co-authored with Kenneth Dau Schmidt et al., West, 4th ed., 2023.
Edited Books
The Regulation of Compensation: Proceedings of the NYU 66th Annual Conference on Labor, co-authored with Meron Kebede, Lexis, 2014.
Articles, Book Chapters, and Essays
“Principled Hope: Labor Law Reform from an “Alt-Labor” Perspective” in Richard Bales & Charlotte Garden eds., The Cambridge Handbook of U.S. Labor Law: Reviving American Labor for A 21st Century Economy (Cambridge University Press 2020).
“Wage Theft as Crime: An Institutional View” (2020) 20:2 Journal of Law in Society 300-313 (symposium essay).
“Dignity Takings and Wage Theft” (2018) 92:3 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1203-1223 (symposium essay).
“Age Discrimination and Labor Law in Latin America: The Challenges of Equality Law in Light of Underdevelopment,” co-authored with Sergio Gamonal C., in Ann Numhauser- Henning and Mia Rönnmar eds., Age Discrimination and Labor Law: Comparative and Conceptual Perspectives in the EU and Beyond (Wolters Kluwer, 2015).
“Work, Study, Organize!: Why the Northwestern University Football Players are Employees Under the National Labor Relations Act” co-authored with Alex Tillett-Saks (2015) 32:2 Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal 301-343 (article).
“Protecting Workers as a Matter Principle: A South American View of U.S. Work Law” co- authored with Sergio Gamonal C. (2014) 13:4 Washington University Global Studies Law Review 605-665 (article).
“Danbury Hatters in Sweden: A U.S. Perspective on the Available Remedies and Sanctions for Employers Who Suffer Unfair Labor Practices by Labor Unions” co-authored with Margot Nikitas (2014) 30:3 International Journal of Comparative Labor Law and Industrial Relations 339-356 (peer-reviewed article).
Principled Labor Law